getting ready for a Te Araroa thru hike?

Te Araroa Coaching Sessions

RRP $99.95


Join my email newsletter and get your Te Araroa coaching session for just $24.95!

👂Does this sound like you?

You’re staring at Te Araroa maps, gear lists, and the trail notes, and it’s all starting to blur together.

You’re asking yourself questions like:

🤷 “What gear do I really need?”

🤷 “How do I plan my resupply?”

🤷 “Do I even need to resupply?”

🤷 “Should I hike the TA solo?”

🤷 “How do I decide whether to go NOBO or SOBO?”

🤷 “What even is NOBO and SOBO 😩?”

And those are just the easiest questions to ask and answer.

Let’s not even talk about the Whanganui River section, or all those river crossings, amiright?

🦸‍♀️ Your Trail Coach Awaits!

Why not use me as your personal coach and go-to guide for all things Te Araroa planning & prep?

Hi, I’m Michelle 👋

Putting on a brave face for ‘that starting photo’.

I’ve spent two seasons hiking Te Araroa, vlogged my adventures and have been advising/coaching future TA thru hikers ever since.

I’m the owner and creator of the world’s first and only library of Te Araroa preparation videos on YouTube!

I’ve also been hiking in New Zealand since 2012, and have lived in New Zealand for over two decades.

So it’s fair to say I’ve been there, done that!

I’ve been helping other aspiring TA thru hikers prepare for their adventure for the past two years, and now I want to help you too!

⏳ Limited-Time Offer:
Get Bespoke Te Araroa Coaching for Just $49.95!

For a limited time I’m offering a 60-minute Te Araroa coaching session at the unbeatable price of just $49.95 🤯.

Join my email newsletter and get your Te Araroa coaching session for just $24.95!

That’s a fraction of the price other hiking coaches charge for similar services (usually starting at $200 per hour 😫!).

But even if you wanted to pay their prices, there aren’t any other TA-specific hiking coaches out there!

Yep, that’s right… I’m the only one!

📈 Future Price Increases

My TA coaching sessions are scheduled for incremental price increases as demand grows 😲.

Which is why this special price of $49.95 may not hang around for long!

If a coaching session isn’t right for you right now, that’s ok. They’ll still be here when you’re ready.


The current price is the BEST price I will ever offer, and I don’t know how much longer it will be available.

So, if you’re serious about thru hiking Te Araroa, now’s the time to book a session and get the ball rolling, because you might not get access to my TA expertise and knowledge at this price again.

What’s in It for You?

In our 60-minute coaching session, we’ll put the focus on your top 2 or 3 concerns for your upcoming thru hike.

I don’t want to waste your precious time telling you things you already know, or covering topics you’re already familiar with.

Instead, we’ll deep dive into your most pressing questions, and the main things you need help with. This could be:

🎒 Gear selection: Helping you refine what you absolutely need and what you can leave behind.

🍔 Resupply strategy: How to plan a stress-free and easy resupply strategy so you’re never hungry or carrying too much food.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Specific advice on whether you should hike solo or team up with a friend, based on your hiking style and my knowledge of the trail.

🛶 Whanganui River: How to plan the logistics for this unique section of the trail without a hitch.

🦺 Safety first: How to plan for and tackle NZ-specific hazards like changeable weather and river crossings like a pro.

But Wait, There’s More!

Past experience has told me that your coaching session is bound to raise even more questions.

Which is why i’m offering a suite of sweet bonuses (see what I did there?) so you can get even more out of our session

📬 BONUS #1:
Unlimited Follow Up Questions

Once your consultation with me is finished, you can ask me as many follow-up questions as you like!

There’s no time limit on these questions, so whether it’s a week or six months later, make sure to take advantage of them!

💻 BONUS #2:
50% off 60 Min Follow-Up Coaching Session

Still need more help? Why not book a follow-up 60-minute follow-up session for $12.50 (normally $49.95).

🎒 BONUS #3:
Pack Shakedown for Just $24.95

If you’re still fine-tuning your gear, take advantage of a pack shakedown session a few weeks out from your start date.

Prior TA Consultation clients can book a pack shakedown for the reduced rate of $24.95 (normally $99.95).

On the Fence? Let’s Find Out if a Consult is Right for You.

I get it. Committing to a paid coaching session is a huge step and may feel like a waste of money.

If you aren’t sure whether a consultation session is right for you, why not hop on a free 15 min discovery call with me?

We’ll chat about some of the things you’re struggling with, to help you decide if a coaching session is right for you.

If you don’t think I can help, no sweat! There’s no obligation to book a paid session, and I might even throw in some free tips to help get you started!

Still not sure? Here’s some testimonials to convince you…

⏰ Time’s Ticking, Adventurer!

Remember, my calendar is only open during September and October 2024.

Time is of the essence (especially if you want to secure the bargain price of just $49.95!)

Join my email newsletter and get your Te Araroa coaching session for just $24.95!

I’ve got spots available most days of the week at different times of day, so it’s easy to book a session that suits you (no matter where in the world you are.)

So, are you ready to turn your Te Araroa dream into a well-planned reality?

Book your session now and let’s hit the trail!


I totally understand! Not everyone is at the right stage to start planning their TA thru hike right now. If you’re not planning to thru hike the TA in either the 2024/25 or 2025/26 season, you might want to hold off booking this time around. If you have a burning question you need the answer to right now, though, please send me a message!

Absolutely! In fact arguably my consultation sessions are the best thing for beginner thru hikers to invest in, because I can tell you exactly how/where to start your planning, and help you put an actionable plan in place for your TA preparation.

Yes, this is a one-off, one-time 60 minute coaching session with me. You have no obligation to keep coming back to me after that (unless you want to). However, I do have add-ons and extras available if you want to continue your TA coaching with me.

Good question! Not only have I hiked Te Araroa myself, but I’ve also been hiking in New Zealand since 2012 and have lived here for over two decades.

I know a whole lot about hiking and thru hiking in Aotearoa, meaning I’m best placed to give you all the nitty gritty details, like:

  • where to get the cheapest food in NZ;
  • how much you’ll pay for a burger in a small coastal town like Whananaki;
  • why planning for the weather on the TA could save your life;
  • why carrying a Personal Locator Beacon is non-negotiable for the TA; and
  • where your trail donation money is spent once you pay it.

I live, sleep, eat and breathe Te Araroa. I created and own the internet’s first Te Araroa preparation blog and YouTube channel, and keep up to date with all the latest Te Araroa developments.

See you online!

If the thought of finally starting to put an actionable plan in place and take your first positive steps forward towards your Te Araroa dream has got you more excited than a kiddie in a sweet shop, go ahead and…

ready? let’s talk.